Biographical data
Alright, now that you've got some kind of idea what kind of guy I'm like, let's get into some of the dry stuff. I was born in 1952 so how old does that make me? Yeah like how many old men do you find swinging around like that? Well the only explanation I have is that I'm some kind of genetic abnomally. According to my personal fitness evaluation I'm doing better than most men in their 30's.
If you get to know me you'll probably find that I'm simply a guy who likes to have fun and lots of it . I'm not afraid to try something. I'd say some of my striking characteristics is that I'm ferociously independent, adventurous, free-spirited, and exhibitionistic. I guess it came because I was a loner so long in my early life.
Take my videos. I don't know what you think of them (Maybe I don't even care) but I think there's one thing everyone can agree on. Man, that guy sure knows how to have fun! I don't take drugs, drink, or follow the crowds. I make my own path. I'm the type of person who can walk into a club full of total strangers, be perfectly comfortable and have a great time no matter who's there.
In discos, I've had people I've never met ask me to dance with them, take my picture with them, freak( Ask if you don't know what that means) me, spank me, ask my name, etc. Some of the most frequent questions I get is, "Are you gay" or " Do you know where I can score some E?" Nobody believes that a man my age can go out and have a great time naturally instead of vegetizing in front of a boob tube every evening by their stereotypical view.
Why am I doing this?
What's the trick to it? Well first of all I spent most of my developing years as a loner so I pretty much developed my independent attitude. I was really reserved and never said much. I guess it was first in college that I caught on to dance as a means of expressing myself. So why so late to crawl out of my cocoon? I don't really know . I suppose it's the myriad of social cultural training I received saying that as a man I was supposed to repress all my emotional feelings. So why pole dancing, why not jazz or hip-hop?
I began my interests the same way probably everyone does. I see something , I say to myself " Man would I like to do that!" then I pursue it. It's unusual, so what? It started out as a hobby then something happened to me at work. I got in a car accident. I wasn't hurt but they took my X-ray of my back. The doctor said I had degenerative disk disease. It probably started 10 years back during my karate days.
Well what is the treatment for DDD? You have to decompress your spine (inversion therapy), drink plenty of water, stretch a lot, strenghten your core muscles, and take glucosamine chondroitin. So what kind of activity does that sound like? Belly and pole dancing of course! So what began as a hobby turned into a therapy.
You know , the doctors were all telling me that there is nothing I could do about this condition. The only thing you can do is slow it's advance, take pain relievers, or ,if it becomes too painful ( and it hadn't reached that stage yet otherwise I'd known sooner) , fuse the discs together, or surgically replacing the discs with artificial ones. Well I have a contestation to that. After 2 years following my treatment and comparative studies of my X-rays, I've noticed that my discs are actually gaining thickness, something the doctors said wouldn't happen. So I have actually reversed the progress of the disease!
As you may know now, I really have a problem with the word "impossible". I have since revised it to mean " never seriously tried".
So why not jazz or hip-hop? Well I'm not saying they aren't fun or don't help but sometimes I just feel damned sexy and have to get it out. I can't help it. It's in my blood and I can't shake it. If others think I should take a different route, tough, let them get the disease and deal with it in their own way.
The little train that could
Have you seen the film "Ratatoule"? Excuse me for likening myself to the little character but I will use the example to point out some parallels.
As a summary of the movie, Ratatoule is about a rat (Remy) that is inspired by the spirit of a great chef (Gusteau) to become one. Right off hand you can see the dilema he was born into. He's a rat living in a society that is prejudiced and hostile against him (like they try to exterminate him and his kind due to stereotyping). He , in the beginning even has problems getting the support of his own family. His father tells him he's a rat and they eat garbage and don't do things like humans such as walking on their hind legs.
But Remy ventures into the human craft and while exploring Gusteau's kitchen and accidentally befriends a garbage boy (Linguine) who is not only the unknown heir to the restaurant but is inspiring to become a chef himself. So Remy takes on the position of being the mentor of Linguine masterminding all his creations and saving the day all while remaining incognito under his hat.
Eventually the chief chef and the food critique catch on to the ruse and Linguine has to reveal the secret to his hidden talent. When he reveals the truth to the staff, all but Collette walk out on him. Luckily by then Remy's family is supporting him by then and they follow his and the health code's direction and produce the dishes themselves fronted by the two humans Linquine and Collette.
Unfotunately the former chief chef notified the health inspector to the operation and eventhough they temporarily restrained him, the restaurant was shut down. So they moved their operation to a new bistro, appropriately named Ratatoule that was fronted by humans, Linguine and Collette (under direction of Remy) on the floor, and catered to the rodents in cellar, in the closet so to speak.
Remy was one creature that managed to realize his dream, to become a great chef. The philosophy of Gusteau prevailed which was " Anybody can cook". The hidden qualification into that statement is that anyone with the dedication and devotion to any craft will prevail into greatness. Despite the overwhelming stereotypes that the society could not get over rats, even when they conforming to their standards (like rats being a source of disease, which was actually due to fleas during the plague, even when they sanitized their front paws), Remy managed to carry on and raise the bar while still in the closet.
So basicly that's where it stands. Despite the mountains of negativity one can still prevail at their craft even if you have to remain behind the curtains. Don't bother to wait for the rest of the world to get over their prejudices. My reward is if I can see my works fronted by others.