On the subject of male pole dance
The stigma of the male pole dancer
Alright, now you've heard me speak about the stigma of the male pole dancer. Why it isn't accepted , the negative stereotypes they face, and the cultural barriers they face. If you were to ask me where the single most objections to my participation in this art comes from I'd answer " From the feminists". That's right, the same group that claims they're for equality among the sexes.
Now how did this come to be? May I offer a theory. You heard me say at the beginning pages that society divided it's roles into two orientations- the females and the males. Men got the role to be defenders, providers, and all the hard physical stuff. Women on the other hand got the domestic duties, homemaking , cooking, child rearing and SEX.
Now most peoples exposure to pole dancing comes from the adult entertainment side - mainly strippers, although I practically see it from the athletic side. After all, Chinese men were practicing pole dancing a thousand years before the women ever caught on. But how many people go to circuses as opposed to strip clubs? Therefore pole dancing has been intimately tied into the sex industry.
Now when society drew the lines for roles for the genders, it created two different cultures. When each culture is not allowed to exchange roles ,of course there is the tendency to thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Also each side jealously maintains that they got the short end of the stick.
This discrepancy has further been inflamed by the feminists who have always been advocating equal opportunity for equal work. So where do most of all the big money makers events seem to happen? It's in the male sector! How many people would attend a superbowl hosting competing female teams? How many would go to a boxing match featuring female boxers? Nothing ! They couldn't draw enough money to pay for the auditorium fees! There is a way that females can cash in on part of the big bucks and how is that done? By playing the S card. So what part do women play in the super bowl? Why the sexy cheerleaders of course! What part do they play in championship boxing? The sexy rounds girl! What part do they play in sports? Sexy ballroom dancers, gymnasts, ice skaters! So women feel that the only method they can be on par with their male counterparts is to play the sex role better.
So what happens when a man seemingly enters their domain? The whole feminist community goes into an uproar. Why should they let a male invade their playing grounds when it's practically their only income maker? Heck, why can't you males stick to being football stars? The whole thing is seen as an encroachment on their lily white fields! Pole dancing is under the propriorship of women.
The irony of it all is that the feminists are always claiming they want equality of the sexes- bullshit. The feminists are trying to maintain the double standard gender roles. The feminists are simply a special interest group. The only welfare they seek to assist are the women's. That's why there are hardly any women willing to help out male dancers and they mainly see them as a threat. To contrast them, have the Chinese men ever sought to exclude female pole dancers? Not that I know of. Have men sought to prevent or exclude the formation of professional female football teams? Not that I know of!
So play fair, men have not propriortized baseball saying "This is a man's game! Women are not allowed to play it!" Yes there is a glass ceiling but it extends all the way into the men's section as well.
Now , you might be asking ," Isn't this the thing where society puts it's constituents where they best serve it? Like don't women make better mothers than men?"
To that I present this question, "Who are better bobsledders, the Jamaicans or the Scandinavian countries?" On first thought everyone would probably answer the Scandivian countries of course. But that is an unfair question.
First of all , there is very little snow in Jamaica. There are no people who spend their leisure bobsledding except maybe at an amusement park. Look at the size of the population that engage in bobsledding in Scandinavia as opposed to Jamaica. Compare the size of population of Jamaica as opposed to the Scandinavian countries. When the Scandinavian countries put together a team to compete in the Olympics they get the best of the best out of a selection of tens of thousands . The Jamacians, on the other hand are lucky to muster a team from all those that even take an interest in the sport.
So are Jamaicans worse bobsledders than the Scandinavians? Heck no! The Jamaicans are in an entirely different environment ! If they got grants, endorsements and trained in the exact same conditions as their counterparts , they may prove as good or even better than the Scandinavians. It's all a matter of recognizing individual achievement. Something you can't do when you stereotype a nation or it's peoples.