The Disco

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   Well , here's another of my favorite stomp. This video was taken at a club I frequent. To keep them clear of any liabilities, I won't mention the name. I'll only say that this is a liberty that they extend to certain customers (they usually only allow women on the catwalk or unless you work there if you know what I mean) so I possess a degree of clout there. I'm a freak. Anyway , it is not unusual that I get approached by total strangers that ask who I am, if they can be included in a picture with them, or to dance with them. Life is good!

This is the world renown DJ Dimitris Mykonos. I personally met him. There's a story behind that.

   This is a woman I met at the X nightclub. Amazing the people you meet up with at those clubs.

  These are a couple of girls that I met upstairs at Showgirls nightclub. One of them was the sister of the manager.

 These are a couple of the go go girls that I was dancing on the floor with.

  These are a couple of my fans.


   These are the places I frequent most  often:

     The X

      715 Harrison, S.F.



       540 Howard, S.F.


     Ruby Skye

     420 Mason, S.F.





   In general, if there's a pole- I go.